Let’s get into the common questions we get asked, and also what we have experienced ourselves through our fitness industry careers.

The fitness industry isn’t easy

Being in the fitness industry is tough going at times. The national attrition rate is staggering. Joining the ID talent network puts you a step ahead of finding the best role for you to help build your career for the long term.

Is it really free to join?

We do our work behind the scenes with the gyms who are looking to hire you.
Joining our talent network keeps you top of our lists for all the roles you are suitable for.

Stand out from the rest

A lot of the time it is who you know and not what you know that creates the opportunity for you. We take away the maybes and put you right in front of the best roles in your local area.

How do I find out about vacancies?

By joining our talent network you are linked to our internal systems. By doing that, you have allowed us to contact you directly for a role we think you would be perfect for. From there we will work with you and your potential new employers to get you in the best position possible to land that dream job!

What is on the registration form?

Aside from the usual data collection we need on you, your location, social media handles etc, we want to delve a bit deeper into who you are.
We ask you some questions to help you think about what you want from your career and what makes you stand out.
Here are the questions:

Why are you looking for a new role?

Outline what you can bring to the role?

What do we at iD Gym Recruitment know?

We’ve been in the fitness industry since 2007. It is safe to say we have experienced a lot and know the journey you are on as coaches, and owners of fitness facilities. We still own and operate our personal training businesses, so you can be sure we are up to date on the industry and have extensive knowledge of it’s challenges and it’s successes.
iD Gym recruitment is our solution to the problem of finding the right people.

What can I expect as gym owner from iD?

You can have the slickest systems and nurture sequences going, but if you do not have the right people on your team, in the right roles, you are choking your potential and the businesses future success.
We’ve made the mistakes, so you do not have to.
We’ll spend time with you before sending you candidates, to make sure we know you are a company, your values and what your next hire needs to bring to your team.
We’ll pre-interview the candidates in line with this, and only the most suitable will be introduced to you.
We want to help your long term success.

Why do I need to use a recruiter?

Time and money.

You will save so much time by having the iD team working for you, which allows you to work on your business and not just in it. It is a challenge to let go of total control, but once you get the right people in, you’ll never look back.

Yes, there’s a cost to using us, but this only happens once a candidate is placed and gone through the probation period.
Once we have successfully placed a candidate on your team, you will get more time and MAKE money.
The time you spend looking for a new team member, ends up costing you more than using us to find them for you.

Reach out to us and we can have a chat.

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